Monday, March 18, 2013

The ordeal of printing something

People ask me what I miss from the States or cultural differences. Well, one thing I miss is the free and easy printing back at Presbyterian College. 

I think I took printing for granted at PC. You can just go on one of the many computers in the library and print like you're at your house. I remember that we all started complaining when we had to enter our usernames to print. Well, at least you don't have to pay and go through the complicated process here.

Today, I have an assignment due for class. It's not necessary to print it, but I typed it all and wanted to print it. The problem is that, to print, you need to have a card for the printers. However, for my trip to Barcelona, I emptied my wallet of random cards that I wouldn't need to in Barcelona. Naturally, that included my printer card. In my rush to get out of the house this morning, I forgot to restock my wallet. 

I have spent the last hour trying to print one assignment for my class. There's a box by the printer that looks like you'd be able to put in some coins and print. Well there are only two options on that box: buy a card or recharge your card. It costs 2.50 euros to buy a card, which I didn't want to do because I have one already.

I tried to go to my professor's office to print the assignment, but he wasn't there. I was at a loss for what to do. Then I remember that there is a copy room downstairs. I went down there and asked if I could print. My Word document was on Dropbox and, guess what, they don't have Internet down there. So I had to go e-mail it to them and then get it printed. So complicated!

I write this to my friends back at PC. We have got it made with our printing system. 

Just thought I'd share. Over and out! 

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